I wonder how many readers of this blog have ever used Indian Railways but when I first saw the water mug (used by Indians to clean their derrière) tied to chain using a miniature lock – the contraption far heavier than the mug itself, I wondered, A country where a petty mug needs protection – what’s the future of our future and who will protect it with which harness or security.
The answer is a big ‘NO-ONE’.
This little example is to set the scene for this piece and hopelessness that persists because of a generally degenerate attitude of us Indians.
The Government’s 2025 vision is a thing that dreams are made of. Our economy is likely to be 5 Trillion USD, we would have sent missions to various planets by then. And some say, some influential politicians would already have amassed large tracts of real estate on moon and mars by that time, before anyone-else got a whiff.

The recent reduction of taxation on Electric Vehicles (EV) was one such moment recently.
Not only was it a dichotomy to the present state of industry and the automobile sector, it was a reflection of the cluelessness of the ‘powers that be’, making policies that are likely to have a significant impact on this nation and eventually on our lives.
The automobile sales (combination of 2 and 4 wheelers) are down 30-40% in the last few qtrs., most of the auto plants are now going through planned prolonged shutdowns and analysts and economists predict hundreds of thousands of people losing jobs in the automobile industry alone.
The EV situation is akin to – Doctors planning to prep, a deeply wounded athlete, (who’s just reached the ER with a severe sports injury) for the next athletic event rather than providing him with the immediate treatment and putting him on a ventilator to save his life at that instance.
EVs are the future – no doubt. And while we are staring at fast depleting fossil fuels across the globe, the world will have to find alternate sources of assimilation of energy through solar, nuclear and hydro, but not unless there is a systemic evolution of infrastructure, culture, attitudes and character of nations.
For EVs to be fully implemented and assimilated into peoples lives – far before the crude is fully depleted and people still preferring the traditional internal combustion engines, the governments of various countries esp ‘The’ densely populated India, a network of charging stations, infrastructure to support, sell, repair and recycle has to be created, maintained and sustained. It’s a paradigm shift in the lifecycle of a nation that has to be effected with multiple catalysts not just a random reduction in sales tax.
A nation where a small 500 mts flyover takes forever to build – if it doesn’t fall off during construction ala Calcuttahow on earth do we expect the EV infrastructure to take shape/establish in a nation where everything moves at a snails pace unless 2025 was a misprint in place of 3025. The idea and vision does solicit an entry into the Audacious Project List but then……
I am reminded of the vandalism on the first ever superfast luxury train Tejaswhere the people in the train destroyed the TV screens and stole anything that could be ripped apart and stolen and people outside simply practiced their cricket and bowling skills by throwing stones and breaking the panes.
Approx 2 yrs ago one of the projects that I was overseeing was vandalized by local goons on an alleged assumption of land encroachment (to the extent of .0055 cents approx. equal to the size of a shirt button). The protectors of their self defined virtuousness damaged property worth approx. 7 Cr that took 2 more years to rebuild and operationalise while the bank interest on the entire project kept piling up. All of these guys are walking scot free and still doing the narebazi. Till the time the corruption and ‘I can get away’ attitude from mind and souls of the citizens isn’t taken out through swiftly enforceable laws – the future is bleak.
Now imagine the effort to establish a Pan India network of charging fields, hard shoulders alongside the freeways and highways and the actual charging contraption that involves a pole, wire, socket and a network of charging grid or whatever.
Perhaps all the unemployed people from the present day automobile industry could be employed as security guards to protect these charging stations.
Sadly, where we need a chain and a lock to protect a petty mug inside a train toilet, we would need a far more robust strategy, execution abilities, set of security protocols and infrastructure even before we embark on this EV journey.
In the meanwhile can someone stop dreaming and look at the bleak present state of liquidity, employment, infrastructure and the massive slowdown that seems to have gripped the nation and its industry.
Follow manu on twitter @manurishiguptha
Manu also writes for Huffington Post
Follow manu on twitter @manurishiguptha
Manu also writes for Huffington Post
Every word rings true, but what are we to do. When cows have better civil rights than citizens you can only moo.
Aah, this is a sad ramification of a developing country like ours. Having said that, should we never begin treading on a positive journey, so to say that we shall thrive on a mutual trust, should we never take the first step living in a constant fear of falling? Where would the develop'ing' country status go? Technology and poverty can't go hand in hand agreed, neither will the mentioned 'attitude' take us anywhere but someone needs to think n implement over and above these regressive thoughts and dream of a change.
Maybe, this technology disruption will bring about the change of winds, of employment, of better opportunities??!! 'Swiggies' and 'bounces' of the world are creating opportunities and doing their bit. The issues need addressal for sure but the change is the only constant, we can try n hope for a better tomorrow atleast.
A great article, with my 2 cents though 🙂
"It is not the strongest that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change."
Be a green team, not the mean team!!!
All the big five- HERO. BAJAJ. Mahindra. TVS & HONDA with turnover of over 30,000 cr per yr. are finding everything wrong with the EVs and their roll out into the market.
They seem to miss the point wearing their coloured glasses of power and from the pedestal they are sitting on. Sadly there's NO MORE a weak government which is incapable of taking a decision or one which can be paid and bought out to decide what rules and policies to dictate.
There is solid strong Govt with FANTASTIC LEADERSHIP AND CLARITY OF POLICIES in place backed by capable and intelligent and performing bureaucrats who have only one agenda – India & Indian first.
The times of influencing and buying out of policies for personal gains. The ties when middle men and the pimps ruled the corridors of power. Shamefully greedy guys. Have made so much money. Polluted the cities. It’s an open secret that few year back they had paid out collective payouts to ensure silent death of the electric two wheelers introduction in the country by buying out corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and ensuring anti electric mobility policies, so that they could continue to full their coffers. What a shame!!! Still not satisfied.
India is home to 22 out of the 30 most polluted cities globally, according to the "2018 World Air Quality Report" published in March by AirVisual and Greenpeace. Delhi and many cities are living hell holes. The big boys from their airconditioned and air filtered homes, cars and offices are not able to see the deadly conditions and poisonous gases that 98% of human beings breathes each moment across the country. Noone is blaming them for the same but now when the government is trying to ensure the right path then their greed is whats shameful. Greed seems to get the better of their comonsense. Doing all and crying hoarse, making noise to somehow stop or change policy makers.
What profits a man who gains the whole world only to lose his soul?"
– For the petroleum lobby.
India has 370 Million or 37 Crore two wheelers.
Each year 3.5-4 Crore two wheelers are sold in India
India is the largest two wheeler market in the world, & crude oil imports make up the single-largest component of the country’s import bill at nearly $85 billion in 2019.
A recent study indicated that around 87 percent of the country’s population who own a vehicle were willing to switch to EVs. And not just because EVs are cost – effective, but also due to the lower carbon emissions.
The proposed NEW Government rules would require 25 million bikes out of the 32 million sold annually in Asia's third-largest economy to be electric. Most of the present manufacturers would face big hurdles meeting that target while others, such as makers of electric vehicles, batteries and electric motors, would see new opportunities.
Every seventh person on this earth is an Indian.
If we consider china and India then every third person on earth is from these two countries.
In 134 years of automobile history EVs will be the single largest disruptor to hit the Auto Industry.
The average earning of 85% of Indians is between ₹6,000 – 35,000₹/Mth.
For an average 4 member family Expenses are mainly under the heads of
1. Rations- ₹10,000 – ₹15,000 ( if bought from mandi & lump sum)
2. Two room Rent or repayment of Housing loan – ₹8000 – ₹9,000
3. Fuel expenses for one/two scooter/motorcycle- ₹6000 – 8000₹ incl maintenance.
4. Education / Clothing – ₹2000
5. Miscellaneous Expenses – ₹ 2000 – ₹4000
An average working man travels 25-50 km per day to work and back. Spending appx 8 – 9,000₹ on petrol two wheeler.
First time in 134 years of Automobile history comes a product – ELECTRIC MOBILITY which will save each active user 8 – 9,000₹ per month for a life time.
25-40% SAVINGS EACH MONTH FOR 85% of population & savings of over 87 billion USD or 7 lac crore in terms of oil imports from Saudi Arabi, Iran & Middle east countries.
The outcome is going to be unimaginable!!! Unfathomable!!!!
The world will never be the same again.
Evolution – Ecological – Economical
More smiles per hour !!!
Relieves gas pains !!!
Clean & Green !!!
अपने हक़ की लड़ाई लड़ना मेरी मजबूरी नहीं जरूरत है, तुम चाहें कुचल दो जला दो या लाठियां बरसा दो,
ये सवाल पूछना मेरी आदत नही हिम्मत है,
"Evolet" = Happy, Sustainable, Affordable, Green mobility for each & everyone. Just like our ageless companion – The Horse.
This is a true reflection of whats happening the economy and with the country its sad that a country of this caliber is being treated by few in the political system and outside spoiling the future of this generation and genrations to come
Very good article, uncle. I totally agree about the lack of infrastructure and how difficult it will be to implement across the nation for EV vehicles. Even here, in the US, there is little to no infrastructure in most of the country to support EV right now. Some of the points you mention are 100% true. It is sad but true at the same time. Implementation by 2025 is probably going to remain a dream and just that.
The government has placed a definitive emphasis on Electric Vehicles and had already announced a series of subsidies. A plan for getting rid of suffocating air & noise pollution, greening earth and stopping flow of 87 billion dollars each year to the Gulf. All these can be rid by going electric.
As the ruling government continues to hold its power after being re-elected this term, it is looking to step up its game to encourage e mobility in India. The government is also considering to introduce a comprehensive scrapping policy and ‘polluter-pays’ model to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles.
The “Feebate” model, is a winner all the way and will impose a fine on ICE vehicles and the funds collected through this will be used to provide incentives on the purchase of electric vehicles, charging infrastructure and establishing battery plants of at least one-gigawatt capacity.
Supplemented by innovators, entrepreneurs and active government support, the EV sector is progressively paving its way to make this mode the face of transport in India. As more and more countries are consciously taking initiatives to reduce dependence on conventional energy sources, adopting electric vehicles serves as one of the most basic steps towards contributing to a greener ecosystem and promoting the Make In India initiative. They have tremendous potential to revolutionize the way commuting takes place at present in India. Switching to EVs will not only help improve the environment but will also prove to be very cost efficient. This is eventually leading to a paradigm shift, making electric vehicles the future of global transport.” The public at large and the new electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly start-ups stands firmly and strongly behind the government's aim to make this a resounding success.
Food for thought —– In Delhi 21 lac two wheelers sell each year @average 70,000 per vehicle it’s a market size of 1400 crores each year.
Think ….. Why does it take 3-6 mths and a satgrreing 40-50 lac rupees for each model passing??? That too for a to obtain a licence for an electric vehicle already operating in Europe or US or China to go thru months of tests and crazy delays. All the game plan of the big Auto boys and shamefully some people ensure they can get away with such rampant illogical time wasting and frustrations for start-ups which cannot fight these giants who have polluted the cities for decades made enough money and now their greed won't allow a happy positive change and clean technology to come into the country easily. WHEN THEY CAN CAUSE SUCH HURDELS FOR THE RULLING GOVERNMENT, THEN WHERE DO THE SARTUPS STAND A CHANCE TO TAKE THEM ON IN THEIR FUNDED TESTING AND PASSING INSTITUTIONS. Read the news every day you can read views of these auto giants as to why EVs should not be rolled out in a hurry.
Until the ministry and the babus realize the true ground realities and someone strong enough intervenes the future is just a delayed roll out of a technology which can save this country tons of Forex and save our future generations from this slow death. The pollution!!!
Sadly this is few people and powerful companies greed verses the earth and the public at large. Hope better sense prevails. A dynamic and strong leader or a fearless press is required to highlight these true issues.
They r worried about charging two wheelers. What a sham too. All a media create hype paid off by these giants who want to delay the roll out anyhow by as much time as possible as the rake in huge profits from a set business. This is the best time to create jobs. Each electricity pole on the street is marked and numbered under the elect deptt of govt or private players, the same can act as a charging station. They should put a meter on every alternate electricity pole on the street and allot it to an individual. With 10 charging points on each pole. . He will get his money from charging scooters and also pay for the elect bill. Which is minimal. A normal battery charges fully in equivalent to the power drawn by an 5w led bulb for 1 hr. Its minimal. Imagine the jobs created, lacs of jobs. As it is half the street lights with those powerful halogen bulbs stay lighted even during the days on most streets. 2 persons per electricity pole and registered with the local office. Two wheelers can charge their bikes @ 10₹ per half hr and – win win for all. No rocket science required. Wish common sense was common amongst the people who rule the masses.
This could be a game changer for any political party. Its such simple idea which every person I am sure can think about on earth.
Anyway. This country proves that's God exists . And we need thousands of them in India to run it.
The baiston now rests on the shoulder of thosefew honest strong decision makers who risk the huge risk of annoying the super-rich , powerful and giants of the industry who thing its their sole right to decide whats good for automobile industry and that is gospel truth. who guide and inform the politicians who could make a difference and make the electric bikes roll out easy rather than create hurdles for sale of pay-outs from these giant companies. Shame on anyone who knows this and can make a difference but does not. Shame on the press which never write about it. Shame on all of us.
"What profits a man who gains the whole world only to lose his soul?"
– For the petroleum lobby.
The world is developing at an incredible pace with new technological interventions emerging every day. To move towards a stellar growth adverse effects of current modes of transportation needs to be countered. Government initiatives such as FAME II aims to boost electric mobility
This could be a game changer for any political party. Its such simple idea which every person I am sure can think about on earth.
Anyway. This country proves that's God exists . And we need thousands of them in India to run it.
The baiston now rests on the shoulder of thosefew honest strong decision makers who risk the huge risk of annoying the super-rich , powerful and giants of the industry who thing its their sole right to decide whats good for automobile industry and that is gospel truth. who guide and inform the politicians who could make a difference and make the electric bikes roll out easy rather than create hurdles for sale of pay-outs from these giant companies. Shame on anyone who knows this and can make a difference but does not. Shame on the press which never write about it. Shame on all of us.
"What profits a man who gains the whole world only to lose his soul?"
– For the petroleum lobby.
The world is developing at an incredible pace with new technological interventions emerging every day. To move towards a stellar growth adverse effects of current modes of transportation needs to be countered. Government initiatives such as FAME II aims to boost electric mobility
The government has placed a definitive emphasis on Electric Vehicles and had already announced a series of subsidies. A plan for getting rid of suffocating air & noise pollution, greening earth and stopping flow of 87 billion dollars each year to the Gulf. All these can be rid by going electric.
As the ruling government continues to hold its power after being re-elected this term, it is looking to step up its game to encourage e mobility in India. The government is also considering to introduce a comprehensive scrapping policy and ‘polluter-pays’ model to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles.
The “Feebate” model, is a winner all the way and will impose a fine on ICE vehicles and the funds collected through this will be used to provide incentives on the purchase of electric vehicles, charging infrastructure and establishing battery plants of at least one-gigawatt capacity.
Supplemented by innovators, entrepreneurs and active government support, the EV sector is progressively paving its way to make this mode the face of transport in India. As more and more countries are consciously taking initiatives to reduce dependence on conventional energy sources, adopting electric vehicles serves as one of the most basic steps towards contributing to a greener ecosystem and promoting the Make In India initiative. They have tremendous potential to revolutionize the way commuting takes place at present in India. Switching to EVs will not only help improve the environment but will also prove to be very cost efficient. This is eventually leading to a paradigm shift, making electric vehicles the future of global transport.” The public at large and the new electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly start-ups stands firmly and strongly behind the government's aim to make this a resounding success.
Food for thought —– In Delhi 21 lac two wheelers sell each year @average 70,000 per vehicle it’s a market size of 1400 crores each year.
Think ….. Why does it take 3-6 mths and a satgrreing 40-50 lac rupees for each model passing??? That too for a to obtain a licence for an electric vehicle already operating in Europe or US or China to go thru months of tests and crazy delays. All the game plan of the big Auto boys and shamefully some people ensure they can get away with such rampant illogical time wasting and frustrations for start-ups which cannot fight these giants who have polluted the cities for decades made enough money and now their greed won't allow a happy positive change and clean technology to come into the country easily. WHEN THEY CAN CAUSE SUCH HURDELS FOR THE RULLING GOVERNMENT, THEN WHERE DO THE SARTUPS STAND A CHANCE TO TAKE THEM ON IN THEIR FUNDED TESTING AND PASSING INSTITUTIONS. Read the news every day you can read views of these auto giants as to why EVs should not be rolled out in a hurry.
Until the ministry and the babus realize the true ground realities and someone strong enough intervenes the future is just a delayed roll out of a technology which can save this country tons of Forex and save our future generations from this slow death. The pollution!!!
Sadly this is few people and powerful companies greed verses the earth and the public at large. Hope better sense prevails. A dynamic and strong leader or a fearless press is required to highlight these true issues.
They r worried about charging two wheelers. What a sham too. All a media create hype paid off by these giants who want to delay the roll out anyhow by as much time as possible as the rake in huge profits from a set business. This is the best time to create jobs. Each electricity pole on the street is marked and numbered under the elect deptt of govt or private players, the same can act as a charging station. They should put a meter on every alternate electricity pole on the street and allot it to an individual. With 10 charging points on each pole. . He will get his money from charging scooters and also pay for the elect bill. Which is minimal. A normal battery charges fully in equivalent to the power drawn by an 5w led bulb for 1 hr. Its minimal. Imagine the jobs created, lacs of jobs. As it is half the street lights with those powerful halogen bulbs stay lighted even during the days on most streets. 2 persons per electricity pole and registered with the local office. Two wheelers can charge their bikes @ 10₹ per half hr and – win win for all. No rocket science required. Wish common sense was common amongst the people who rule the masses.
All the two wheeler manufacturing companies have to stop making petrol two wheelers and shift to making Electric scooters.
India can save Rs 17,000 crore if electric vehicles hit the road by 2030: NITI Aayog
•Vehicles eligible under FAME II scheme can cumulatively save 5.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent over their lifetime worth Rs 17.2 thousand crore.
•EVs sold through 2030 could cumulatively save 474 million tonnes of oil equivalent worth Rs 15 lakh crore and generate net carbon dioxide savings of 846 million tonnes over their operational lifetime.
•TechSci Research predicts India's electric two-wheeler market will reach $200 million by 2023, up from $27 million in 2017. That number could be much bigger if the government's proposal comes to fruition.
•India is home to 22 out of the 30 most polluted cities globally, according to the "2018 World Air Quality Report" published in March by AirVisual and Greenpeace.
•India is the largest two-wheeler market in the world, & crude oil imports make up the single-largest component of the country’s import bill at nearly $85 billion in 2019.
•By electrifying all the two-wheeler in use, India can avoid about 35% of the total transportation emission and more importantly, about 60% of particulate matter, curbing air pollution and savings of over 87 billion USD or 7 lac crore from imports in terms of oil.
These old Patriarchs of Big Industrial Groups are not ready to give up their dominance, position, sole Monopoly which they have enjoyed for decades since the Congress licence Raj . As these monsters will have to close shop or change over to making EVs which are not as profitable and they are no longer able to maintain their monopoly . They r just not ready to do it. So their agents heavily grease palms of few corrupt officers at THE MINISTRY OF HEAVY INDUSTRY AND ITS agencies to create such hurdles, hitches and delays.
I know people and investors who have let go cause it's an uphill task to get scooters and motorcycles already running and operating in Germany Europe , USA, UK not getting permissions or having to go thru retests even after having European certifications. It’s a open secret that ICAT an approval agency for new entrants is funded and controlled by HERO MOTORS. What's r we trying to show. That we are more worried or better than the developed countries. what a SHAM!!!. What a shame and what a disaster. Of course UAE, US, etc won’t like us to shift as they shall suffer too.
China was able to completely change over to Electric vehicles as the lobbies and the middle east or any other country had no control over their policies. The big boys had no control on the china govt, but our systems in place have been so badly corrupted and spoilt that the NITI AAYOG must be facing hurdels and uphill task at each level. Fossil fuel bikes make a lot of money for these companies who can pay big time and spend enough money to ensure and create hurdles for these poor new start-ups by our caring deserving youngsters.
TechSci Research predicts India's electric two-wheeler market will reach $200 million by 2023, up from $27 million in 2017. That number could be much bigger if the government's proposal comes to fruition.
By electrifying all the two-wheeler in use, India can avoid about 35% of the total transportation emission and more importantly, about 60% of particulate matter, curbing air pollution and savings of over 87 billion USD or 7 lac crore from imports in terms of oil.
The ICE model needs to be leapfrogged individually owned internal combustion engine (ICE) 85% of vehicle sales is 2 wheelers in India. When we shift from ICE vehicles (2200 components) to Electric vehicles (20 components) the maintenance, wear & tear reduces by over 90%. Win – Win for all.
Advantages to the country from the perspective of energy security and competitive advantage too electric mobility will reduce oil import costs, lower trade deficits, and limit vulnerability to oil supply disruptions and process shocks, finally electric mobility will deliver a host of environment benefits ,including cleaner air & savings of over 87 billion USD or 7 lac crore from imports in terms of oil.
In 134 years of automobile history EVs will be the single largest disruptor to hit the Auto Industry.
The outcome is going to be unimaginable!!! Unfanthonable!!!!
Sadly this is also all a well planned and executed action and result of these greedy money raking fossil fuel companies. It's open secret that the Hero's, Bajaj’s, Mahindra’s , Honda's and TVSs and the petroleum products selling giants etc will not let electric vehicles become successful easily.
•India is the largest two wheeler market in the world, & crude oil imports make up the single-largest component of the country’s import bill at nearly $85 billion in 2019.
•India has 370 Million or 37 Crore two wheelers.
•Each year 3.5-4 Crore two wheelers are sold in India
•In Delhi alone 21 lac two wheelers sell each year at an average of 70,000 per vehicle. It’s a market size of 1400 crores each year.
•A recent study indicated that around 87 percent of the country’s population who own a vehicle were willing to switch to EVs. And not just because EVs are cost – effective, but also due to the lower carbon emissions.
•By 2030, India aspires to achieve 100 per cent Electric vehicles sales.
•Future- India will have 370 Million or 37 Cr. Electric vehicles by 2030 & NIL petrol or diesel run bike or scooter.
By electrifying all the two-wheelers in use, India can avoid about 35% of the total transportation emission and more importantly, about 60% of particulate matter, curbing air pollution.
•67% of the world's crude oil is currently used in transportation. EVs will change this for ever. India imports close to 87 percent of all its oil needs. In 2019 87Billion USD was spent on the imports.
•Today India has 58000+ Fossil fuel stations. So with a vision of 2030 all electric vehicles there should be at least 58000+ fast / rapid charging station and 200,000 AC slow charging station. One major bright spot within all of this is that it is possible to charge a scooter at home with a conventional plug outlet in a couple of hours.
•To meet and replace the massive demands of 20 million Scooter & Motorcycle sales each year and 250 million Scooter & Motorcycle in the country and ensure a success story for the country in terms of air and noise pollution, dependency on fossil fuels, saving on dollar spend, reduction on imports of oil, reducing carbon footprint, and meet the massive demand it shall require many more entrants to feed this huge demand for this country.
The proposed rules would require 18 million bikes out of the 21 million sold annually in Asia's third-largest economy to be electric. Most of the present manufacturers would face big hurdles meeting that target while others, such as makers of electric vehicles, batteries and electric motors, would see new opportunities
Automobile companies yearly Turn Overs – The reason why they don't want Electric Vehicles to be successful.
BAJAJ – 43,000 Crores / 6.2 Billion USD. With 45,000 employees
HERO- 47,000 Cr. 6000 employees
TVS- 25,000 Cr. 5500
MAHINDRA- 93,000 Cr. 42,000 employee's.
Hero MotoCorp sold over 78 lakh Scooters & Motorcycles in 2018-19.
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI) sold more than 55 lakh Scooters & Motorcycles.
Bajaj, India's largest exporter of motorcycles, also sold more than 50 lakh two & three-wheelers in 2018-19.
TVS Motor Company sold almost 38 lakh Scooters & Motorcycles in 2018-19,
• All of these companies sell appx Rs. 7.5 Lac two wheelers each year in Delhi or 3 – 3.5 Cr. two wheelers per Yr across the country with a 10-12% steady growth in sales.
• Sale of two wheelers in few cities per year is as follows:
Delhi – 21 lac two wheelers/Year
Bangalore – 15 lac/Year
Chennai – 12.5 lac/Year
Greater Mumbai – 9 lac/Year
The opportunity, scope & demand is HUGE as Rs. 370 million existing petrol/Diesel two wheeler in the country need to be 100 percent replaced by electric two wheelers.
All that's required is that the Govt exempt electric vehicles from RTO and registration process like was done in China, US or Europe. For first three to five years. Also they should restrict the speed limits to 50 km for the vehicles and all vehicles more than that should need a number plate.. and watch how the roll out happens.
Presently the powerful Automobile Lobby along with the external forces and the all-powerful petroleum lobby of Saudi Arabia, Middle East and oil exporting nations which earn staggering 87 billion dollars each year supplying oil to India hands in hand with the automobile lobby is doing all it can to ensure that the electric vehicle fails anyhow and the government is not able to roll out the same. Some sections of the media “The presstitute media” a few who bring bad name to the whole media and undermine their positive efforts along with some corrupt babus are doing all to create massive hurdles for the government.
After reading the basic facts below is there any logic left for any kind of arguments, JUST SHAMEFUL AND DISGRACEFUL IF STILL ONE STILL TRIES TO FIND ANY ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE ELECTRIC VEHICLES BAN IN THE COUNTRY FROM IMIDIATE EFFECT, and on top of that each household will land up saving a minimum of 6-10,000 rupees per month. It can’t get better and bigger than that.
The switch to electric vehicles will be a watershed moment in India’s automobile history. Government has announced a plan to have an all-electric vehicle fleet, including cars, by 2030 to cut India's pollution and burgeoning fuel import bill.
Niti Aayog has estimated that the sale of EVs will help save about Rs 3 lakh crore on account of the import of crude oil.
India is the largest two wheeler market in the world, & crude oil imports make up the single-largest component of the country’s import bill at nearly $85 billion in 2019.
Vehicles eligible under FAME II scheme can cumulatively save 5.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent over their lifetime worth Rs 17.2 thousand crore.
EVs sold through 2030 could cumulatively save 474 million tonnes of oil equivalent worth Rs 15 lakh crore and generate net carbon dioxide savings of 846 million tonnes over their operational lifetime.
Advantages to the country from the perspective of energy security and competitive advantage too electric mobility will reduce oil import costs, lower trade deficits, and limit vulnerability to oil supply disruptions and process shocks, finally electric mobility will deliver a host of environment benefits including cleaner air.
To meet and replace the massive demands of 200 million bikes sales each year in the country and ensure a success story for the country in terms of air and noise pollution, dependency on fossil fuels, saving on dollar spend, reduction on imports of oil, reducing carbon footprint, and meet the massive demand it shall require many more entrants to feed this huge demand for this country.
The world is developing at an incredible pace with new technological interventions emerging every day. Old Patriarchs of Big Industrial Groups are not ready to give up their dominance, position, sole Monopoly which they have enjoyed for decades during Congress licence Raj . New inheritants have to take the baton and Control of Big Empires.
Next five years are a new era for the Auto Mobile Industry in India and it has all the right indicators of a resounding success.
• All existing two wheelers that are in the market cause pollution and their fuel cost is also swelling day by day. To compensate the changing fuel cost and dipping the pollution, electric vehicles is the way.
• The four big manufactures with each having turnover of minimum 25,000 crore/yr of two wheelers since last 60 yrs in India are:
Compared to a common man’s living budget-
The average earning of 85% of Indians is between ₹6,000 – 35,000₹/Mth.
For an average 4 member family Expenses are mainly under the heads of
1.Rations- ₹10,000 – ₹15,000 ( if bought from mandi & lump sum)
2.Two room Rent or repayment of Housing loan – ₹8000 – ₹9,000
3.Fuel expenses for one/two scooter/motorcycle- ₹6000 – 8000₹ incl maintenance.
4.Education / Clothing – ₹2000
5.Miscellaneous Expenses – ₹ 2000 – ₹4000
•An average working man travels 25-50 km per day to work and back. Spending appx 8 – 9,000₹ on petrol two wheeler.
•First time in 134 years of Automobile history comes a product – ELECTRIC MOBILITY which will save each active user 8 – 9,000₹ per month for a life time.
•25-40% SAVINGS EACH MONTH FOR 85% of population & savings of over 87 billion USD or 7 lac crore in terms of oil imports from Saudi Arabi, Iran & Middle east countries.
•The outcome is going to be unimaginable!!! Unfathomable!!!!
The world will never be the same again.
The government's proposal would ban three-wheelers with internal combustion engines by 2023 and gasoline-powered two-wheelers with engine displacements of less than 150 cc — over 85% of the total sold — by 2025. The goal is to cut India's dangerously high air pollution, ensure fuel security and turn the country into an EV manufacturing hub. India is the largest two wheeler market in the world, & crude oil imports make up the single-largest component of the country’s import bill at nearly $85 billion in 2019.
India is home to 22 out of the 30 most polluted cities globally, according to the "2018 World Air Quality Report" published in March by IQAir AirVisual and Greenpeace. Niti Aayog has estimated that the sale of EVs will help save about Rs 3 lakh crore on account of the import of crude oil each year. WOW!!!
The problem with the industry here is that it has not taken things seriously till now and they feel that they can pay and buy out the policies to their advantage and choice.
In India per capita car ownership is 20 veh per 1000 persons compared to 900/1000 in US, 800/1000 in Europe.
The ICE model needs to be leapfrogged individually owned internal combustion engine (ICE) 85% of vehicle sales is 2 wheelers in India. When we shift from ICE vehicles (2200 components) to Electric vehicles (20 components) the maintenance, wear & tear reduces by over 90%. Win – Win for all.
Mr Bajaj quotes -. “A desk,” he cites British author John Le Carre, known for espionage novels, “is a dangerous place from which to view the world.” He is basically pointing fingers at our bureaucrats and decisions makers capabilities and common-sense. The power and money seems to have blinded his logical thinking. No amount of whining and cribbing will help as the people are ready to sacrifice for the well-being of mother earth and future generation – "Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come" .
The rich and powerful Automobile industry is making its objections known. They have the backing of Saudi Arabia, middle east & Iran who live off selling oil to India so that we can pollute our cities and suffer and die of sickness while they make their countries grow and shine.
HONDA SAYS- "2025 is too early to switch over 100%," Minoru Kato, president & CEO of Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India
HERO SAYS – Pawan Munjal, chairman of Hero MotoCorp., India's top seller of bikes, said the move toward EVs would be very tricky "because it impacts an industry that is a significant contributor to the country's GDP and is a large job creator."
BAJAJ & TVS SAYS – Bajaj Auto and TVS Motor, have also called the plan unrealistic.
These giants who have made their empires selling two wheelers and who should be helping the government to quickly make the changeover for the sake of the common man, pollution control and most importantly to save billions of dollars going to middle east should be doing all to bring in electric mobility but instead they are creating hurdles for the government.
Looking at their turnovers its important for them to remember that its this 87% of India’s common man who has made them billionaires and its time they worked towards ensuring that each household saved some money to better their lives.
BAJAJ – 43,000 Crores / 6.2 Billion USD per year.
HERO- 47,000 Cr per year.
TVS- 25,000 Cr per year.
MAHINDRA- 93,000 Cr per year.
Well written but too pessimistic Manu Bhai. EV is the next automobile revolution and we can't afford to miss this. The foreign exchange we will save , the pollution benefits are too huge. The charging stations will run as do petrol bunks now, do we have gaurds for them. Country is changing and is in the right direction . No saying every thing is smooth , lots lots need to be done. But the present govt has a ray of hope. If we haven't run before doesn't mean we don't run now. This govt had seen known to plan, execute and achieve targets. Yes law and order being a state subject has been a problem and surely a massive judicial reforms has to take place to improve timely delivery of justice and political influence specially at lower courts which in turn will deter the criminals , politicians to attempt something which happened with you.
Good one and rflectsr true picture
India was once (decades ago) defined as a country where the centuries coexist!!
All your assumptions about the state of our attitudes and facilities are correct. Not withstanding this, we will be able to make the transition along with the rest of the world. Think for a moment that in the past k-42 our switch to using seat belts happened almost overnight even though several places lag behind; our adoption of mobile phones happened faster than in the USA. Our switch to CNG was quick. I think the change when it happens, will leave you speechless!!
A well written piece summing up the lack of focus by the current dispensation, who are on an ambitious mission lacking pragmatic approach.
How come saving of 8 to 9k on petrol. Based on your calculation of 25-50 km is roughly a litre of petrol. That is 2200 to 2400 per month saved. This is on highest side.I spend only 800rs per month on petrol. My home is hardly 1km from my office 😃
An excellent read, this.