MRG Capital is a SEBI Registered Portfolio Management Services Provider. The bedrock of our investment philosophy is some of the principles of wealth creation that have stood the test of time over decades and market cycles. Quality and Character of Management stands tall as one of our 19 criterions that must pass our muster before we invest. Businesses could be a flavour of a season, yet we try not to get carried away by the din of the markets. We strongly advise clients to stay put and have a minimum investment horizon that one would have in Fixed Deposits or in line with other life goals. All our investments focus on capital protection as a non-negotiable philosophy.
The founder, Manu Rishi Guptha has been successfully investing in equities since 1993. He has been through multiple market cycles and has managed to strike a balance between risk and reward to all his client’s satisfaction
Value Investing
Businesses could be a flavour of a season yet we try not to get carried away by the din of the markets & Ignore the short term price movements
Capital Protection
Preservation of client capital. In addition, preservation of the real value of client capital after fees and taxes is a primary objective
Goals Based
Our philosophy aims / emphasizes investing with the objective of attaining specific life goals of our clients
Our clients will have easy online access to their daily reports, stock holdings and cash balances at their own convenience

Portfolio Management Services
Customized investment solutions for >50L investments

Alternate Investment Fund
CAT III Long – Short Multi Strategy Absolute Return Fund for >1 Cr investments

Investment Advisory
Investment solutions for <50L investments using Smallcase
Lowest Asset Management Fees of 1% compared to over 3%++ charges by most mutual funds across the industry
Negligible EXIT FEES if you are exiting before 12 months
We make PROFIT only if our clients’ investments are profitable.
SKIN in the GAME
100% of our family funds are invested in our schemes.
Superior research parameters backed by 25 years of industry experience.
Portfolio Management Services (PMS) are an alternate to Mutual Funds. Mutual Funds collectively own large number of shares and then allocate units to its investors on NAV (price of holdings at a particular time) whereas PMS holds shares in YOUR name in YOUR demat account and YOU can view your actual portfolio at any time. We build an investment portfolio for you in Indian listed stocks and bonds. This portfolio is professionally managed by us. Our endeavour is to build wealth for you while mitigating the risk to capital.
MRG Capital provides Investment Management Solutions in PMS, under the Discretionary style. – Under these services, the choice as well as the timings of the investment decisions rest solely with the Portfolio Manager.
If you fall under any of the following categories, you are eligible to sign up:
- Individuals
- Hindu Undivided Families
- Association of Persons
- Partnership firms
- Limited Companies
- NRIs, Overseas companies, proprietary firms, societies, and overseas Trusts (subject to RBI approval)
A good business must be bought at a fair price. Our style of investment is based of Quantitative (Numbers, performance, trailing results over a min of 5-7 years) Qualitative (Quality of Management) Potential (Sustainability of a business through various cycles).
The following charges will be applicable.
- Asset Management Fees: 1% p.a. paid on quarterly basis charged on the avg. AUM of the portfolio.
- Brokerage: Actual as charged by the Broker. For the benefit of our investors, we deal primarily with discount brokers which charge very low brokerages when compared to regular brokers. Also, other expenses like custodian fees, audit fees and statutory charges as charged to every transaction and DP charges charged by the depository Participant are also charged on actual basis.
- Actual expenses incurred for account opening typically ~ INR 5000/-.
- Management fees are chargeable on daily average Market Value at the end of every quarter or withdrawal of fund whichever is earlier. (Please refer the product brochure/fee schedule for complete bifurcation of charges)
- Portfolio manager will charge a performance fee on the portion of Assets under Management which has outperformed in excess to 10% of the capital contribution for any given year, net of other charges on high watermark principal.
- All applicable taxes (including service tax) and levies, if any (together with surcharge and additional surcharge, as may be applicable) leviable on such Fee, shall be charged to the Client Portfolio.
- In a nutshell if we manage to return 15% CAGR we would end up making approx. 2% in fees and if we end up making 10% for you, we would only charge 1% p.a
The Portfolio Management Service has no lock-in period. However, we will charge an exit load 2% of the AUM if you redeem your investment between 0 to 12 months and 1% of the AUM if its greater than 12 months and upto 24 months. This is primarily for our efforts and research. This is well in line and much lower than the industry standards and few other PMS services that charge upto 3% exit load in the first year.
No exit load will be charged on any redemptions after 24 months.
If you need more information detailed FAQs can be accessed on FAQs
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